Terms & Conditions

The small print

Bookings are subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Variation to these may be made from time to time and will be posted on our website and or included in our literature.

Precious Pet Services will treat your personal information confidentially and will not pass on your details to any third parties other than our Pet Sitters. Information given in the initial registration will be used for all subsequent bookings unless we are notified that there has been a change in your pet’s condition or requirements. So please keep us updated of all changes to your details.

Our charges are set out on our website and will be set out to you in full at the time of booking. You will be deemed to have accepted the charges of both Precious Pet Services (PPS) and the Pet Sitter upon confirmation of your booking.

All pet sitters are self employed, the contract to provide services, is solely between the client and the pet sitter.

A non refundable booking fee is payable at the time of booking, with the balance due at the time of assignment to Precious Pet Services or your pet sitter. Precious Pet Services  accepts no responsibility for payments made directly to the pet sitter. All services are charged by a daily rate.

Bank holidays are charged at time and a half, with the exception of Christmas Day, where services are charged at double.


We require 48 hours notice of any cancellation otherwise the booking fee will be payable. Text messages or voicemail are not recognised methods of cancellation.

 Your Pet Sitters

PPS takes all reasonable care in the selection of Pet Sitters. No liability is accepted by PPS for acts of omissions of any Pet Sitter or any loss or damage caused or contributed by the Pet Sitter.

Pet Sitters are independent contractors and are not employed by PPS.

If a Pet Sitter becomes ill during an assignment, PPS will persue every endeavour to make alternative arrangements. If you agree that a Pet sitter may have the companionship of their partner/spouse stay during an assignment it will be at your risk. PPS will not accept liability in relation thereto.

The client should inform PPS of any change or extension in booking dates and all instructions. Once registered with PPS you agree not to negotiate directly with any Pet Sitter introduced to you by PPS.

 Your Pet

It is of the upmost importance that you give full information in relation to the needs and requirements of your pet. PPS will rely upon the information you give at your initial booking in connection with subsequent bookings unless you advise PPS that your pet’s condition or requirements have changed.

We cannot accept bookings for badly behaved or aggressive animals. Either PPS or a Pet Sitter may terminate an engagement immediately if it is reasonably thought that a Pet is badly behaved or aggressive either towards humans, animals or property. You may be liable if your pet injures a third party or the pet sitter. Your dog will not be walked off the lead without your prior authority and always at your risk.

You must ensure that your Pet is in good health and free from fleas and is adequately wormed. If your Pet Sitter believes your Pet is not in good health we reserve the right to seek veterinary advice on your behalf and you will be liable for the veterinary fees.

If it becomes necessary, your animal will be taken to a veterinary surgeon. You are responsible for any fees that are reasonably incurred during your absence or during the course of an assignment.

 Your Property

Pet Sitters are instructed by PPS to leave your property as they found it. You are respectfully asked to note that they will not be subject any additional cleaning duties. If the Pet Sitter does not consider that your property is of a reasonable standard of cleanliness or that the facilities available to them are inadequate, he or she may decline the booking.

In the event of a problem or emergency arising the Pet Sitter will contact an appropriate agency immediately and if necessary contact will be made with the client.

Insurance and Liability

It is your responsibility to insure your property and your pet. PPS accepts no liability for damage caused by your Pet or a Pet Sitter during an assignment. You will be liable in the event that the Pet Sitter or a third party is injured by your pet.

Pet Sitters have insurance in relation to the performance of duties as Pet Sitters under PPS agency agreements only and not on their own account. It is not a substitute for your own insurance cover.

Our pet sitters insurance only operates when a pet sitter is working on an assignment from PPS for the duration and times booked.

The client must before handing over the assignment to their Pet Sitter make sure they have given full written details and instructions on care of their pet and the house (if house sitting) neither PPS nor the Pet Sitters will be responsible if full instructions are not given in advance on the assignment.

The client will indemnify PPS against any claims for loss or injury caused to either Pet Sitter, their property or the Pet Sitter’s pets which are caused by the client’s pet or as a result of breach of these terms and conditions, negligence or otherwise.